UK Close Protection Operatives should be drilled in basic driving skills, as well as defensive, evasive, and offensive driving techniques. Emphasis should be given to safe, cautious, calm driving skills. Due to the high number of attacks that occur during transportation and in and around the vehicle, adequate time should be dedicated to this area of training to insure that the security drivers London are capable of dealing with the possible threats.

Unarmed Combat

This does not necessarily mean martial arts. There are a great number of techniques and systems which have been derived from the martial arts and as such can be useful to the C (bodyguard). What the close protection operative (bodyguard) employs is matter of tactics and choice. What ever system or techniques are utilized, the operative must be comfortable with its application. Great consideration must be given to the liability factor when using force to protect a principal. Consideration for the Use Of Force Guidelines in the country that one is operating in is a must.

Firearms and Defensive Shooting Skills

There is specific reason that this skill has been left for last. “The duty of a protective detail is to cover and evacuate the principal, not to engage in firefights”. In the event that time permits and it becomes necessary to engage in a firefight, these skills will be necessary and as such must be drilled to perfection.

If operating in a hostile field of operation such as an area of the world which is at war, then these skills must be honed and tempered to perfection. In most cases as history has proven; if the close protection operative (bodyguard) finds themselves in this situation, they have most likely made several serious errors in the performance of their duty and as such may pay a heavy price for their complacency.