Few experiences match the thrill of creativity that switches on the light bulb over your head, illuminating the path of future innovations. As you find solutions to everyday problems or pioneer disruptive technologies, you might repeatedly consider the question: should I patent my new invention ideas or not?

The decision to patent your invention can often pivot the right turn on your road to innovation. This decision invariably depends on an array of factors, including your invention’s nature, market viability, costs involved, and the industry you’re operating in. This is where InventHelp comes into the picture to assist you in making an informed decision and provide support throughout the process.

The Why and Why Not of Patenting

A patent represents an intellectual property right that provides legal protection against unauthorized production, use, or sale of your invention. Securing a patent can offer numerous benefits:

  • Exclusive Rights: A patent grants exclusive rights to your invention for a set number of years, typically 20 from the time of filing, allowing you to profit exclusively from the manufacturing and sale of your invention.
  • Enhance Market Position: The exclusive rights afforded by a patent can fortify your business strategy by deterring competitors or encouraging them to invent around your patent.
  • Up for Grabs: You can license or sell your patent to another entity, generating income while preserving your intellectual property rights.

However, patenting isn’t always the most viable route for all inventions.

If you’re considering patenting your invention, you may be wondering how much does it cost to patent an invention idea? It’s important to understand that there is no set price for a patent. The cost of a patent depends on the type of invention and its novelty at the time of filing (i.e., whether it has been previously patented or not).

Another factor is whether or not the invention is eligible for a patent. For example, if you’re trying to patent an idea for something that had already been invented before, your application may be rejected as obvious or anticipated by others. In this case, it’s not necessary to have a patent attorney help you with the application process because it won’t be approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

How InventHelp Can Be Your Guiding Light

InventHelp, an invention service company, helps inventors navigate the complexities related to patenting, prototype creation, licensing, and marketing. InventHelp can be an invaluable asset to inventors in the following ways:

Patent Research: InventHelp assists inventors in researching existing patents to assess their invention’s novelty and patentability.

Patent Services: InventHelp can help you with the preparation, filing, and prosecution of a patent application for your invention.

Prototype Services: InventHelp can guide inventors in creating professional prototypes for their inventions, with options ranging from basic models to 3D-rendered designs.

Marketing Resources: Inventors can gain exposure by leveraging InventHelp’s marketing resources, which include press releases, trade shows, and digital marketing campaigns.

In Conclusion

Deciding “To patent or not to patent?” must involve considering your invention’s nature, market potential, and future prospects. Consulting with a patent attorney or an invention company like InventHelp can help clarify the best direction aligning with your innovative vision. Whether you opt to patent or not, never undermine the value of your invention and its potential to effect change.